Things You Might Be Doing To Attract Termites

Attract Termites

Termite damage can be among the most expensive, and buying a home in Algin is one of the biggest financial decisions one can make. Termites can live in your house for a long time and do quite a bit of damage without anybody noticing. A homeowner might have to pay thousands of dollars for repairs and treatment for the eradication of pests in Elgin.

Termites will set up colonies close to easily access food supplies, typically decaying or softwood. In an effort to find a new colony location, they will look for these wet areas in and around your house. Avoiding termites is always the best course of action. 

Things you do unknowingly to attract termites

Understanding what ultimately draws termites to your house is the first step in protection. Termites may be drawn to your home by these things. 

1. Firewood stacking close to your house.

Since woodpiles are easy to get when needed, many people keep them right outside of their houses. However, since wood is their primary food source, termites are drawn to woodpiles. The National Pest Management Association has told homeowners to keep firewood no less than 20 feet away from buildings. Furthermore, you can raise the wood off the ground with a strong metal support and construct a barrier with concrete slabs.

2. Allowing clogged gutters

Leaves and other debris build and retain moisture in gutters that are not adequately cleaned. Blocked gutters create the ideal conditions for termite infestation. To prevent water from accumulating near your home’s foundation, keep your gutters clean and lengthen your downspouts properly.

3. Allowing rotting timber to stay in your yard

Dead trees and stumps left in your yard will eventually start to decompose and draw termites looking for food. The termites will begin to look for a new source after using all the rotting wood, and your home can be their next stop. Make sure to get rid of any dead wood before termites take advantage of it.

4. Mulch spreading near your foundation.

Mulch is used in gardens because it retains moisture and enriches the soil with nutrients. Unfortunately, these same factors also make mulch alluring to termites. Keep an eye out for termite activity, and make sure mulch is far from your home’s foundation to help control termites. Rubber mulch, which is sold at home improvement stores, may entirely eradicate this termite food and water supply.

5. Wood piles

Termites are highly attracted to wood piles, such as firewood, and they can enter your house quickly and easily. It is suggested that firewood be kept at least 20 feet away from your house and at least 5 inches above the ground.

6. Dead trees

Termites will be attracted to dead trees and their stumps as they break down. After that, they will travel to your house from these trees and stumps. Any dead trees or stumps should be removed from your property.

7. Moisture

In addition to causing moisture problems within the house, poor drainage, a lack of air circulation, and leaking plumbing also make the surroundings more favorable for termite infestations. A termite infestation and damage can be easily prevented by reducing moisture levels, as underground termites require an ample supply of water to survive. To further improve your home’s general health, consider enclosing your crawlspace. This will reduce excess moisture, humidity, mold and wood rot, termites and other pests, and electricity costs.

8. Landscaping

Despite its attractive appearance, mulch can serve as a major termite attraction. The wood chips that makeup mulch have the capacity to hold onto moisture, making them a desirable feeding source for termites. 


A termite control specialist’s help is the most efficient method of controlling termite infestations. Get in touch with your local pest control company if you need help keeping termites out of your house this summer.